Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Sydnie!

Three years ago today we were blessed with our sweet Sydnie. It sure was an emotion paked 24 hours... ranging from extreme happiness to extreme worry! She has come a long way in her three years. Three heart surgeries, three caths, and four bronchoscopes (one of course to remove her college savings she decided to swallow $0.10). She has done an amazing job with each procedure and surgery... and our family is forever GRATEFUL for so much... for everyones support, for our doctors and nurses, for our supportive family and friends, for the blessings we've received, for Sydnie's strength and for her heart. Daily, I wish she were born with a health heart, but wouldn't changer her for the world! She is so amazing and strong! Her entire being is so bright and vibrant! When she enters a room her smile and warmth touches everyone! It's painful to ever think of our life with out her. Thank you God... for our Sydnie

Sydnie at her Birthday celebration with big sister helping with the gifts!

Sydnie is such a big girl now! I can't believe how quickly she's grown up! She has an amazing sense of humor and loves to make others laugh... this sometimes gets her into trouble! Sometimes she gets too crazy!

She loves to sing and dance and jump!
She loves to learn new things, especially if it's her big sister teaching her!

If asked how to spell her name she'll say:


If you ask her what her favorite color is she'll say:


Her favorite food is (for today):
fruit snackies

What's her favorite thing to do?:

play Hippo game (hungry, hungry hippos)
If you asked her if she's a good girl she'll say:
NO... then smiles!
If you ask her what she'd like to do today she'll say:
bubbles outside

If asked why she's such a big girl she'll say:

cause I poopy on the potty so I can do gymnastics

Her favorite movie is:

Baby Einstein

She loves to color and draw:

... and pick out her own shoes

... and if given a chance she'll lighten up your life for ever!

With all of our love in our hearts, We Love you Baby... forever and ever and ever in the whole wide world!